Book My Time

Book My Time
Photo by Nick Hillier / Unsplash

As this blog and my newsletter has grown, I've had the fortune to have many people reach out and ask if I could consult with them on a number of topics.

While this is awesome, my challenge is that I only have so many hours in the day, and there is only one of me. So I've decided to simplify things.

If you want to chat with me about writing, newsletters, monetizing with sponsors, the world of cybersecurity investing, how to use no-code tools to streamline your work or research, or anything else, you can book my time here:

45 Minute Meeting - Mike Privette
A 45-minute call to chat with me about whatever you like. Newsletters, content creation, sponsorship monetization, no-code data management, cybersecurity, investment targets, or anything else you want to cover. It’s totally up to you!

Pick the time you want, fill out the form on what you want to discuss, and we will get together!

Talk soon,

Mike P